Access Management System

AMS Help

  • cannot log in with your AMS credentials and/or your AMS profile is locked, suspended, or terminated? Access the AMS website via your desktop to verify your profile status. If you are still unable to log in, contact the ONE-DHHS Helpdesk for support (1-888-663-3447).
  • are using a screen reader and experiencing focus issues or disorientation on an iOS device. There is a known focus issue due to a bug in Safari + VoiceOver on iOS. AMS recommends those who rely on a screen reader to consider an alternative browser or access device. Recommended mobile browsers include: Google Chrome mobile and Android browser.
  • Visit the how-to page to access job aids for AMS mobile users

    Call 1-888-ONE-DHHS (1-888-663-3447) 7:00AM - 9:00PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays)


    You can log into AMS by selecting the "AMS Credentials" button on the Login screen. Enter your AMS username and password and click the "Login" button. Agree to the HHS Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and then the mobile AMS homepage will be displayed.

    If you forgot your AMS Username or AMS Password, select the "Forgot" link above the respective fields to retrieve your AMS Username or reset your AMS Password. If this is your first time logging in with AMS credentials, you will need to set up your profile first. Click the "First-Time AMS user?" link on the AMS Credentials Login page.
    You can log into AMS using your NIH credentials by selecting the "Network Credentials" button on the Login screen. Select the "Login" button to be redirected to the NIH Login page. After authenticating through the NIH Login page, you will be returned to AMS.

    One-Time Password offers a stronger authentication method to confirm your identity with a second factor, in this case, a generated numeric password sent to your registered mobile device.

    Note: If the device is not registered, you will not be able to access applications displaying an MFA icon on the homepage.

    FIDO Security Key offers a stronger authentication method to confirm your identity with a second factor, in this case, a FIDO certified YubiKey security token directly connected to your mobile device.

    You can log into AMS by connecting your HHS-issued YubiKey token into your mobile device and selecting the "FIDO Security Key" button on the Login screen. Agree to the HHS Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, select the "Authenticate" button on the FIDO Authentication page, tap the button on your YubiKey, then enter your PIN and tap the button on your YubiKey once again to log in.

    Note: AMS only supports YubiKey authentication on Apple devices (iOS). YubiKey functionality is not supported on Android devices.

    PIV Derived offers a stronger authentication method to confirm your identity with a second factor, in this case, a PKI certificate on your mobile device.

    You can log into AMS by selecting the "PIV Derived" button on the Login screen. Agree to the HHS Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, then select your certificate to log in.

    Note: If you have not installed a certificate on your mobile device you will not be able to access applications displaying a MFA icon using PIV Derived.

    Contact your OpDiv IT Call Center to ask about availability and instructions on how to issue PIV Derived to your mobile device.